ROCKVILLE, MD. — Goodwill and Levi’s® are launching a new initiative this month, ‘A Care Tag for Our Planet’, designed at diverting billions of pounds of unwanted clothing from landfills. Levi’s jeans now feature a care tag that encourages owners to donate to Goodwill when no longer needed. The tags are a unique vehicle for educating consumers about how to care for their clothes responsibly.
Donating to Goodwill not only diverts unwanted items from landfills, but also helps people who need it most in local communities. Donations of gently used clothing and other items are sold in Goodwill stores, where the revenues help fund job training programs, employment placement services and other community-based programs for people with disabilities, those who lack education or job experience, and those facing other challenges to finding employment.
“The simple act of donating your used Levi’s jeans to Goodwill helps to reduce the approximately 23.8 billion pounds of clothing and textiles that go into U.S. landfills each year,” said Jim Gibbons, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International. “The 166 local, independent Goodwill agencies in the United States and Canada use those donations to create job training services that help more than 1.5 million people.”
‘Care Tag for Our Planet’ is the first partnership of its kind to encourage donation as a way to extend the life cycle of clothing and textiles and reduce the environmental impact of caring for clothing. As a kick-off to the launch, shoppers who donate clothes to Goodwill during the week of January 25 will also receive a 30-percent off coupon for regular priced items purchased at Levi’s Stores.
“Our research shows that the greatest opportunities for reducing environmental impact happen after consumers take their jeans home,” said Robert Hanson, president of Levi Strauss Americas. “That is why we’re excited to partner with Goodwill to let people know that they have a huge role in the climate change impact of their clothes. Together we hope to inspire people to wash in cold water, line dry and donate unwanted clothing and other textiles to Goodwill.”
Tag, you’re it. Because caring for our planet never goes out of style.
Learn more about “A Care Tag for Our Planet”.
Find your local Goodwill or call (800) 664-6577.