ROCKVILLE, MD – Goodwill Industries International is pleased to honor Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) as a recipient of its Goodwill® National Policymaker Award for 2012. The award recognizes a federal lawmaker who has clearly demonstrated support for Goodwill’s public policy priorities.
Goodwill Industries International nominated Murray for her support of Goodwill’s public policy priorities including job training and workforce development as well as other issues that fall under the HELP committee on which she serves. In addition, the senator is chair of the veterans’ affairs committee and an avid proponent of the employment placement programs and support services that Goodwill provides for military service members and their families who are facing challenges to finding employment.
This past fall, the senator sponsored the VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, aiming to boost employment opportunities for veterans. The bill was aligned with Goodwill’s recent white paper, “From Deployment to Employment: Goodwill’s Call to Action on Supporting Military Service Members, Veterans and Their Families.” In addition, the Murray co-hosted a veterans’ roundtable during the same time period in which veterans’ service organizations, such as Goodwill, had the opportunity to discuss the challenges veterans face as they return to the workforce. Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont (Charlotte, NC) presented during that panel about the technology skills training, job placement and support services the agency provides to veterans and their spouses as part of the Microsoft Elevate America veterans initiative.
“Senator Murray deeply cares about Goodwill’s initiatives and programs for veterans and the coordinated services needed to address the unique needs and employment challenges facing this population,” said Jim Gibbons, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International. “She has been a tremendous asset in urging greater collaboration among the community-based providers, federal agencies and other organizations that provide services to veterans, enabling them to contribute to their communities and provide for themselves and their families.”
At a reception in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, April 17, Murray was recognized and thanked for her ongoing support and influence for issues relevant to Goodwill. The reception was part of Goodwill Industries International’s sixth annual Advocacy Day, Local to Global: Strengthening our Community. Murray is also the recipient of the 2009 Advocate of the Year Award from Goodwill.
“Goodwill is a leading veteran-serving support organization that creates jobs and provides the tools for members of the military to transition to civilian life, obtain the education and training they need to succeed in the workplace, and access support services to reach their fullest potential,” said Murray.