Career and Financial Advice for April 2016

The Goodwill blog’s career and financial advice posts have all moved to GoodProspects®, but you can still get great advice on your job search, learn about career fields and connect with virtual career mentors. Here are some recent articles published this month—match your skills to your ideal workplace, learn networking strategies for older workers, explore careers in solar installation, and learn details about health care benefits and retirement options.

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Career and Financial Advice for March 2016

The Goodwill blog’s career and financial advice posts have all moved to GoodProspects®, but you can still get great advice on your job search, learn about career fields and connect with virtual career mentors. Here are some recent articles published this month—read each piece, share your thoughts, and join GoodProspects to take advantage of everything at Goodwill’s online career navigation portal!

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My Story: Travis McCausland

Travis McCausland is a Recognition Programs Associate at the Randolph Air Force Base in Texas. He is also a graduate of the Good Careers Academy at Goodwill of San Antonio (TX).

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My Story: Virginia Finster

Looking at how I could move forward in life and what my next step was, I knew that education was something that had to be done. As far as what I could do, I wasn’t sure. I knew that I had little money and I had little time, but I needed something that would catapult me into a career where I could support my children and move forward in life.

READ MORE from My Story: Virginia Finster

Career and Financial Advice for December 2015

Here are some career and financial advice articles published this month—read each piece, share your thoughts, and join GoodProspects to take advantage of everything at Goodwill’s online career navigation portal!

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The Latest Career and Financial Advice

The Goodwill blog's career and financial advice posts have all moved to GoodProspects®, but you can still get great advice on your job search, learn about career fields and connect with virtual career mentors. Here are some recent articles published this month—read each piece, share your thoughts, and join GoodProspects to take advantage of everything at Goodwill's online career navigation portal!

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Four Ways to Try on a Job before Committing

It’s normal to not know what to do and change your mind a lot when it comes to careers, especially after graduating from high school. That is why trying on jobs before committing is such an excellent idea. Here are some different ways to do it.

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Tips for Narrowing Down Your Career Interests

When you first start working, you may try a number of fields and position types to see what works best for you; when it’s time to start a career track, though, it helps to be certain about what you want to do. Here are some tips for narrowing down your career interests and finding the best opportunities for your long-term career goals.

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My Story: Oscar Flores Montes

I was introduced to the Seattle Goodwill Aerospace Program. One day I was just having lunch at my high school and a friend of mine whose name is Oscar as well, he came up to me and asked me if I was interested in aerospace. He knew I was interested in aerospace, so naturally I said yes.

READ MORE from My Story: Oscar Flores Montes

Careers in Focus: Information Technology

There is a wide array of career paths in information technology (IT), including maintenance and support, research/development/design and cybersecurity, among others. IT is also a fast-paced industry that is constantly changing, which provides you the opportunity to continually learn new technologies. Here is a small sampling of positions in IT career pathways.

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