My Story: Traynece Chatmon

Prior to coming to Goodwill eight years ago, I worked for a group home for displaced teenage boys. The group home closed and I found myself unemployed, facing eviction from my place and facing homelessness. Eventually, I found myself living in a homeless shelter with no possible work prospect. The feeling of not having anywhere to go or turn to was a scary and daunting feeling.

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Translate Your Volunteer Experience Into Employment

Did you know that working for free can help you transition into your dream job? Volunteering increases your chances of employment. One 2013 study showed that “volunteers have a 27 percent higher likelihood of finding a job after being out of work than non-volunteers.” That number almost doubles for certain groups, such as those without high school diplomas. Here’s how volunteering ups your employment odds.

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Learn Career Skills Online Using MOOCs

For free or a relatively small fee, you can learn everything from coding to ancient history without having to leave home, and often on your own time. A popular model is the Massive Online Open Course, and it works for career skills training, too. Learn more about how these courses work and where to find them.

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Never Stop Learning: Obtain Credentials to Grow Your Career

Turning a job that you enjoy into a meaningful career is the way to ensure long-term financial security and professional fulfillment. Taking the time to lay your career and educational groundwork today -- including stacked credentials -- can ensure that you succeed in a lifelong career that fits your skills and interests.

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Who’s Prepared to Network at a Career Fair?

The key to attending any career fair is to have a well-prepared résumé, references, portfolio, appearance and a plan to network. Do you think that these example job seekers have come to the fair prepared to network?

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Who's Prepared to Network at a Career Fair?

The key to attending any career fair is to have a well-prepared résumé, references, portfolio, appearance and a plan to network. Do you think that these example job seekers have come to the fair prepared to network?

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My Story: Christina Banfield

I was introduced to Goodwill Industries of Southern Oregon (Medford) through the Make Parenting a Pleasure class. The classes provided me with opportunities to make my family stronger, especially during some pretty difficult times in our family history. It was an intimate setting and I felt safe and empowered. Then, after having been unsatisfied with my progress in other available job search programs at the Department of Human Services (DHS), I requested to participate in the Goodwill Jobs program.

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Four Strategic Career Development Tips for Women

It’s the start of the new year and you’re looking for some inspiration. Could your career development plan use help to gain momentum? Women who report being successful and satisfied in their careers often engage in proactive planning. Here are some tips for strategic career development for women.

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My Story: Alan Gottschalk

My story is similar to many Americans today who consider themselves long-term unemployed. I remember watching television and the news anchor spoke about the high employment rates and those who were considered long-term unemployed. They described how hard it was to re-enter employment after experiencing a layoff or a permanent shutdown. I felt like the news anchor was talking about me, which added to my anxiety and depression.

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Expanded Mattress Recycling Program Benefits Environment, Vets in San José

Goodwill of Silicon Valley (San José) recently announced it will expand its mattress recycling program, thanks to a new partnership between the Goodwill, GreenWaste Recovery and the City of San José.

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