2023 State of the Union Recap

by Laura Walling, Senior Director of Government Relations, Goodwill Industries International

President Biden delivered his State of the Union remarks before Congress on February 7th.  Among the special guests invited to attend the speech was Marquise McGill, who works as a Senate custodian through Goodwill of Greater Washington’s participation in the AbilityOne program. AbilityOne empowers community-based nonprofit organizations, including many local Goodwill® organizations, to provide employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities to deliver a range of contract business services to government agencies. Marquise was the guest of Senator John Kennedy (R-LA). This marked the fourth time which Senator Kennedy invited a Goodwill employee to accompany him.

During the speech, President Biden highlighted several specific areas of interest to Goodwill and the people we serve.

Job Creation
The President touted 800,000 manufacturing jobs that were created before the passage of the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act.  Once implemented, the new law will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs around the country according to Biden. Many of these jobs will not require a college degree, thus creating a need for a more skilled workforce.  Later in his remarks, the President said we need to offer every American the path to a good career whether they go to college or not.

Over 20,000 projects have been funded through the bipartisan Infrastructure Law, with more to come. The President noted these projects will put hundreds of thousands of people to work rebuilding highways, bridges, railroads, tunnels, ports, and airports, providing access to clean water and high-speed internet.

Buy American
President Biden previewed new requirements saying he would mandate all construction materials in federal infrastructure projects be made in the US. Following the State of the Union, the Administration introduced proposed guidance aimed at increasing US-made material requirements in infrastructure projects to boost domestic manufacturing.  The guidance sets domestic manufacturing standards for construction materials, including plastic and polymer-based products, glass, lumber, and drywall.

Career Supports
Biden spoke about the dignity of work and aspires to guarantee all workers a living wage.  He called upon Congress to ensure working parents have sick days, paid family and leave, and affordable childcare.  The now expired Child Tax Credit contributing to lowering the child poverty level, and Biden called for its restoration. The President stressed that these items would increase productivity and economic growth.

The President also stated more families need access to affordable and quality housing, while seniors who want to stay in their homes should be able to do so.  There is a drastic shortage in the direct care workforce, and the President says he has a fully paid for plan to get seniors and people with disabilities the home care services they need.

Criminal Justice
When discussing criminal justice, the President also emphasized the need to give law enforcement the training they need; and more investments in housing, education, and job training can help alleviate violence.

The Safer America Plan calls on Congress to invest $15 billion in services to help prevent crime including: mental health and substance use disorder services; job training and employment opportunities, including for teenagers and young adults; housing and other supportive social services to individuals who are homeless; and reentry services so people leaving prison can stabilize their lives and avoid recidivism. The Plan also incentivizes the reform of laws that increase incarceration without reducing public safety and lift almost all federal restrictions on eligibility for vital benefits (such as food, income, and disability-based assistance) for people with prior convictions.

Biden remarked that we need to make education more affordable for the middle class. To have the best educated workforce, he stated we also need more than 12 years of education and pre-school access should be given to 3- and 4-year-olds.

The President said we need to, “connect students to career opportunities starting in high school and provide two years of community college, some of the best career training in America, in addition to being a pathway to a four-year degree.

Military Service Members and Veterans
The President noted the importance to equip our service members and care for them and their families when they return home.  This includes providing job training and job placements for veterans and their families as they return to civilian life, helping with rental assistance, and providing mental health supports.

Materials distributed by the White House provided additional details on these measures. In the coming year, DOL’s Veteran Employment and Training Service (DOL-VETS) will implement its Employment Navigator Partnership Pilot. The Department of Defense will use the Military Spouse Career Accelerator Pilot program, a 12-week paid fellowship program, to expand employment opportunities for eligible military spouses.

The President’s upcoming budget will triple the number of extremely low-income veterans who can access the assistance they need to afford rent over the years ahead. The Veterans Administration will also award up to 75 grants under its new Legal Services for Homeless Veterans and Veterans at Risk for Homeless (LSV-H) program to provide legal services to veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness

Veterans who become involved in the criminal justice system may be at high risk of suicide. Through Veteran Treatment Courts and other justice outreach engagements, VA is able to provide veterans access to benefits and services that can be life-changing, and VA will accelerate hiring of veteran justice outreach professionals to expand these programs.

Goodwill organizations contribute daily to making a positive impact on the labor market in their local communities. Federal support and funding play a critical role in the success of many skills training programs that Goodwill organizations operate and support. These programs assist various individuals we serve including veterans, older workers, low-income families, people with disabilities, and those impacted by the justice system.

Goodwill stands ready to serve as a partner and key community convener as these public initiatives are designed and implemented.  Strong job training programs and a skilled workforce will be vital for success. There are currently close to 11 million jobs open in the United States. Goodwill has the ability to provide nearly 2 million people each year with job skills to help fill a portion of these open positions.

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