Celebrating Vote Early Day

The votes for the Speaker of the House aren’t the only votes on which we’re focusing. On Thursday, October 26th Goodwill is joining thousands of nonpartisan organizations nationwide to celebrate Vote Early Day, a civic holiday created to empower Americans to share their voices by casting their ballot before Election Day. Vote Early Day is a nonpartisan collaboration among media companies, nonprofits, technology platforms, election administrators, influencers, and other businesses to help all eligible voters learn about their early voting options and celebrate the act of voting early. Created in 2020, Vote Early Day has brought thousands of national and local partners together in celebration and activation to increase the number of people voting early.

By casting ballots early, voters may avoid long-lines on Election Day, last minute obligations that may prevent them from getting to the polls, among other potential problems. Last year, nearly 3,000 businesses, nonprofits, campus groups, election officials, media companies, and many others came together to celebrate this civic holiday. On Vote Early Day 2022, we saw over 3,000,000 votes cast, which led to a 4.6% overall increase in the total number of Americans voting in person or by mail. It is time to keep up the momentum. On the ground, local nonprofits, businesses, campus groups, election leaders, and libraries organized in all 50 states to increase the number of ballots cast early.

While many are already looking forward to the crucial races in the year ahead, 2023 will see hundreds of state elections and thousands of critical local elections. The rules for voting early can vary by community and unique circumstances. Those interested in voting early can click here for state specific voting rules.