National Disability Employment Awareness Month

by Laura Walling, Senior Director of Government Relations, Goodwill Industries International

Goodwill Industries International is proud to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM).  In his Presidential Proclamation, President Biden stated that NDEAM provides a chance for us to recommit ourselves to dismantling barriers to access and inclusion in the workplace. As the President observed, “people with disabilities are still too often marginalized and denied access to the American dream. . . The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded these inequities, as people with disabilities have faced heightened risks.”

NDEAM dates back to 1945, when Congress designated the first week in October to recognize people with disabilities and their potential. This year’s NDEAM theme, “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion,” highlights the benefits of fully including all people, in particular those with disabilities, into the workplace. Further, as we continue to navigate the pandemic and rebuild our economy, companies and organizations have a critical need for skilled and reliable workers of all backgrounds.

Several bills are pending in Congress that will strengthen employment opportunities and supports for people with disabilities, including grants for states and employers to focus on competitive integrated employment; revamping the Supplemental Security Income program by adjusting the total amount of benefits for people with disabilities across the nation, increasing their economic security and mobility; addressing the shortage of direct care and long-term care workers; and expanding access to affordable assistive technology.  Strong investments in these areas are under consideration for inclusion in the forthcoming reconciliation bill which will advance President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda.  Furthermore, lawmakers are examining ways to include people with disabilities in every area of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act as the bill is up for reauthorization, rather than focusing on the Vocation Rehabilitation title within the bill.

Goodwill® mission services are offered for anyone looking for a new job or a better career. In 2020 there were more than 160,000 workers with disabilities who looked to Goodwill for assistance. People with disabilities are a dependable and valuable workforce who have higher rates of employee retention, which reduces hiring and training costs.  We support local Goodwill leaders as they collaborate with people with disabilities, local employers, and other service providers to create an array of community-based employment and other opportunities and we will continue to advocate for policies that result in increased employment opportunities and supports for people with disabilities.