Locate Volunteer and Internship Opportunities Online

Make the most of the device you’re using right now to search for volunteer and internship opportunities online.

While you can always find opportunities by inserting the words “volunteer” or “internship” in regular job search sites, consider checking out the following websites that offer specific ways to look for these positions.

  • Volunteer Match allows you to search for volunteer opportunities near you, as well as view those that can be completed virtually. Opportunities are available in 29 areas, such as advocacy and human rights, animals, computers and technology, education and literacy, health and medicine, LGBT and politics, just to name a few.
  • Idealist can help you locate both volunteer opportunities and internships at nonprofits and other organizations committed to doing good. Click on the “volunteer” or “internships” link at the top of the page to get started.
  • Internships.com is what it sounds like—a place to search for internship opportunities. By navigating to the student section of the site, you can search directly for opportunities, use the internship guide or take the Internship Predictor to evaluate your personal preferences and how they impact your internship selection.
  • Business and organization websites often list volunteer and internship opportunities alongside their regular, full-time openings. Take some time to browse the sites of your favorite companies in your region to see what might be available. Don’t see anything listed? Don’t hesitate to reach out to them directly to see what unlisted volunteer or internship opportunities might be available.

What other online sites or resources have you used when searching for a volunteer opportunity or internships? Share your additional links and ideas in the comment section below.