Online Resources to Prepare for Your Job Interview

Congratulations! Your résumé impressed the hiring manager, and now you’re invited you in to interview for the job you’ve been hoping for. Are you ready?

As we saw last week, interviewing is something that you can prepare to excel at. On top of those tips, here are some resources that you can use to make sure that you’re ready and confident that you’re going to shine.

Practice interviews are a great way to prepare mentally and feel comfortable with questions that the interviewer may ask. You may be able to find a program that lets you simulate interview environments through your local Goodwill, or you can try one of these online resources:

  1. and include video tutorials and virtual mock interviews, and uses a flash card format to help you learn. You might also like and its different walkthroughs.
  2. If you need to practice on the go, there’s an app for that! Interviews is available for iPad and iPhone, and you can use Job Interview Q&A or Job Interview Questions on Android devices.

Making sure that you’re dressed properly for the interview can be the difference in making the impression that you want. What’s right, what’s wrong, and how do you get what you need?

  1. Decode workplace jargon about dress codes and make sure that you’re dressed appropriately for a variety of career fields.
  2. If you need to find the right clothes on a budget, visit your local Goodwill and see what’s available.

The interview itself can happen in multiple stages or formats, and you can prepare for almost any type.

  1. One-on-one interview
  2. Telephone interview
  3. Structured interview
  4. Panel interview
  5. Multiple interviews

By preparing for the interview, instead of being nervous or apprehensive about what you might be asked, you’ll be able to focus on making your pitch for the job.

Job seekers and career advancers can get more than just interviewing advice on this blog. Our content covers networking, résumé and career profiles, too, and our virtual career mentors and unique community mean always having someone to turn to for career advice.