Setting Goals in 2024: A Few Helpful Tips

By Sam Ast, Re-Entry Workforce Development Specialist, Goodwill of Western Missouri & Eastern Kansas 

At various points in life, many people find that they are not satisfied with their present circumstances. Some things can easily be changed, while others end up requiring more time and effort. Whether you want to implement a new fitness routine, achieve better outcomes at work, begin to repair relationships with loved ones or strive to save more money — there are a few techniques and frameworks to keep in mind.  

Why Set Goals in 2024 

First off, why do people set goals? Goals are fundamentally about change. Perhaps certain things in your life aren’t going too well, or maybe there are areas in which you know you can improve. Regardless of the circumstances, desiring better outcomes and an improved sense of self are typically positive ambitions. At times, we have all felt lost, disappointed, confused, wary of change or insecure in our ability to adapt and improve. Understanding this foundational need for near-constant adjustments can help you to better plan and tailor your own goals so they are unique to you and your individual journey.  

Your Framework for Action 

 To be successful in creating these new outcomes, you will need to be clear and intentional about your needs and wants. Goals can be categorized as personal, financial, educational or career-oriented. Most, if not all, objectives will require some sort of change in your behavior. These modifications will differ depending on what it is you want to occur. To repair strained relationships with family or friends might necessitate you working on your communication or socialization skills. To be more productive at work, you may need to improve your time management. No matter the target, having sufficient motivation, a repertoire of practical tools and a network of support are paramount to your success.  

One popular structure of goal setting is the SMART goal model. The “S” stands for specific. Use this to define your exact goal. “M” is for measurable. This is a helpful way to track your progress and keep your goals and expectations tangible. This way, you will be able to easily tell if you are meeting your milestones and heading in the right direction. “A” is achievable. For several reasons, it is generally a good idea to set goals that are within reach. This is not to limit you but rather to keep you motivated by knowing you have the skills and abilities necessary to accomplish what you set out to do. Additionally, be realistic. That’s the “R.” Don’t set yourself up for disappointment by choosing to work toward something that you aren’t willing to truly commit to. And finally, for “T,” make your goal timely. Positive change feels good. To keep yourself on track, set forth on a path that has a clear deadline and benchmarks to meet along the way.  

Goal Follow-Through 

Ultimately, shifting your habits is no easy task. It is important to understand the difficulties and barriers you may face along the way. As always, practice healthy self-care, allow room for disappointment, be sure to lean on your support network and stay willing to readjust the criteria by which you will judge your development as needed.