Charles is our 2016 Achiever of the Year.
I love my family. But I was failing them. I wanted some quick money, and I got mixed up in illegal drug activity. I hurt everyone I loved – including me.
It cost me a lot, 26 months in federal prison. But more than that, it cost me my ability to work. When I got out, no one would hire someone with a felony record. Every job I applied for said no, even if I was the best-qualified guy.
I was so low, so low. Then someone suggested that I try Goodwill®. So I did. That was in 2002, and Goodwill Central Texas (Austin) hired me as production supervisor. I’ve never looked back.
I trained hard, and I learned as much as I could. Then something amazing started happening – I started getting all these promotions! I was just trying to give back to Goodwill what they gave to me. Everyone there cared about me. Now it was my turn to care about them.
I’d managed four Goodwill retail stores, and they just put me in charge of another one. It gives me a chance to mentor a new team…making sure they understand the importance of the Goodwill mission, making sure that they all are treated with respect, and making sure they’re all given the chance to earn a better future for themselves.
Goodwill didn’t just give me a job. They gave me the opportunity to believe in myself, and move my life in the right direction. I just needed the chance, and they gave it to me. And my life has been transformed ever since.
Now, my wife and I raise our 12 children in a nice house. I have a good job. I’m saving for my retirement.
Goodwill handed me my future.