What brought you to Goodwill®?
I was invited to one of the Goodwill Manasota (Sarasota)’s Lunch & Learns about four years ago. I didn’t know much about the organization but felt I should – especially since I donated to them and didn’t really know where my donations went.
What new skills or knowledge have you gained through your experience with Goodwill that could help in other aspects of your life?
After the first proper introduction of what Goodwill does, I was hooked. I had no idea that every item I donated went to create job training and placement. Now, since I am trained to be a Goodwill Ambassador (volunteer), I am able to tell even more people about the amazing ways Goodwill creates a more employable community.
Through the Goodwill Ambassador Program, I also have been able to become a ‘reader’ for their GOOD READERS program that go into schools and provides free books and help grade level reading programs. I also help during the mock interviews for the job connection center. Donating my time to an organization that is truly making a difference in people’s lives is so rewarding.
What have been some of your biggest accomplishments since working with Goodwill?
Being a Goodwill Ambassador is very important to me and now my company, IHeart Media, is 100 percent behind me and supports Goodwill as well. I have been able to hold Lunch & Learns at our radio station and have helped secure at least 50 new Goodwill Ambassadors. The more people in our ‘army’, the more we can help Goodwill grow and help even more people find jobs.
I was able to secure two morning radio show personalities from 106.5 CTQ to become Goodwill Ambassadors. This has been awesome. Every morning they talk about donating and shopping at Goodwill because it creates jobs! I also serve on their marketing committee and have brought in even more people to donate their time and resources into spreading the good work Goodwill does!
Overall, how has your experience with Goodwill made an impact on your life?
Knowing what Goodwill does and meeting other Goodwill Ambassadors has been wonderful. The network is a group of all walks of life and people who care about doing ‘good will’ in the community. I can’t think of a better way to donate my time.
Is there someone at the Goodwill who has inspired you to continue to grow? If so, who, and how has the person helped?
I was first introduced to Veronica Brandon Miller, VP of the Goodwill Foundation, who invited me to the Lunch & Learn. Her passion and enthusiasm about Goodwill was infectious. I’ve never seen someone who loved their job more than her and that’s when I knew it must be a worthwhile organization. Since then, everyone I have met – Bob Rosinsky, the CEO, Rick Hughes, the director of community outreach, or even Kelly Davis, the marketing coordinator – has been influential in growing my commitment to this awesome agency.
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