March’s Good Links

Each month, the Social Good Blog highlights news and resources on a specific topic. In March, we are exploring financial inclusion and literacy.

The Opportunity Project is a new website, produced by a number of U.S. federal government agencies, which aggregates a plethora of tools, such as the Affordable Housing Finder and National Equity Atlas, to help individuals and families assess challenges and opportunities by community.

With tax season in full swing, be sure that you can maximize your returns. The Consumer Protection Financial Bureau offers 3 tips to help you make the most of your tax refund.

The Corporation for Enterprise Development recently published an article that provides information on U.S. savings bonds as a more flexible alternative to traditional savings accounts.

What about employers looking to assist their staff going through financial hardship? Learn How to Reward Hard Work by Employees on a Tight Budget from the HR experts over at TLNT.

Finally, to get a better sense of the challenges that low- to middle- income individuals and families are currently facing, check out several resources from U.S. Financial Diaries. The Issue Briefs along with Charts and Media shed light on how “financial positions shift over time, and how peoples’ financial choices influence – and are influenced by – other aspects of their lives.”