As we adjust to staying at home, now is a great time to build our skills so we can return to work and advance our careers. Goodwill® is working to bring virtual job training to your home. Check out these resources, and let the learning begin!
- Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese, offers more than 200 topics — from Microsoft Office and email to career planning and work life — with courses for any level of experience. GCFLearnFree is a program of the Goodwill Community Foundation® and Goodwill Industries of Eastern North Carolina Inc. (Durham).
- Career Connector: Designed to help you get your next job, Career Connector offers an online environment with the same level of care and guidance usually found in Goodwill’s physical career center locations. With a free online profile, you’ll gain access to the job board, a résumé builder, virtual job clubs, skills assessments, career planning tools and community resources. Career Connector is offered by Goodwill of North Georgia and available to all job seekers across the country.
- Accenture Skills to Succeed Academy: Created specifically to meet the needs of job seekers, Skills to Succeed Academy offers 36 bite-sized, interactive modules. You are guided throughout the entire journey, from choosing the right career and finding a job to achieving success in the workplace.
Even more career exploration options are available on our Training and Career Advancement page.