There are a great number of issues that Congress and a new Administration will have to address – issues that affect local Goodwill organizations and the people they serve. Yet, it could be argued that the majority of the three Presidential debates focused on delivering one-liners that were played over and over again by major news networks, rather than focusing on substantive issues.
A recent survey conducted by Pew Research Center found, “When it comes to helping workers get the skills and training they need to get a well-paying job, a large majority of voters (74 percent) say the presidential campaign has not focused enough on this issue. Some 14 percent say about the right amount of attention has been given to this issue and only 6 percent say the campaign has focused too much on this issue.” Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike say little attention has been paid to preparing the workforce for good jobs and career pathways.
Voters can do their part to research the party platforms and the candidates’ policy ideas and positions on this issue. To that end, the AP (Associated Press) has launched a “Why It Matters” series which examines three dozen issues at stake in the presidential election until Election Day, including education, veterans, student debt, taxes, immigration, and more. On the topic of jobs, the series notes, “Tepid income growth and a smaller share of the population at work have kept many Americans anxious about jobs and the economy, seven years after the Great Recession ended…And most jobs that pay decent wages require more education than in the past.”
Goodwill Industries International stands ready to work with the new Congress and Administration regardless of who wins or party affiliation, to bring the importance of job training and workforce development to the forefront. In fact, following the election and throughout the month of November, our blog series on “Social Good” will focus on keeping employment opportunities at the top of mind during periods of transition. In the meantime, leave us a comment below about what issues matter most to you this election!