Hey guys, its Marisa from New Dress A Day here! It’s the holiday season, so that means there’s lots of travel going on. Suitcases get packed — as do the flights home — and sometimes those suitcases don’t make it to the final destination! I was inspired to craft this month’s post about what to do when it’s YOU who doesn’t see your suitcase on the carousel.
One of my biggest nightmares is being the last one standing in the baggage claim area, watching the rest of my flight mates head out of the airport with their luggage, and then seeing the carousel stop, wondering, “But where’s my rolling suitcase?”
Instead of wearing the same outfit for three days until you get your items back, taking a trip to Goodwill® and snagging five easy (and inexpensive) pieces will have you dressed in new looks until it’s time to get on that return flight home.
The more than 2,700 retail locations in the US and Canada have plenty of items to pick a holiday wardrobe from. Plus, 82 percent of the revenues collected from the sale of these items goes directly towards growing Goodwill’s community-based programming. Now losing a suitcase doesn’t seem too bad, does it?
To put together a week’s worth of outfits, I purchased two sweaters, two blouses and a black skirt ($18 total) to accompany the outfit worn on the plane, along with a pair of tights from the local drugstore.
LOOK #1 – Goodwill V-neck sweater
LOOK #2 – Goodwill blouse and skirt
LOOK #3 – Goodwill blouse
LOOK #4 – Goodwill V-neck sweater and skirt
LOOK #6 – Goodwill blouse
LOOK #7 – Goodwill blouse and sweater
Seven new looks for less than $20!
The next time TSA accidentally sends your suitcase on a flight to Chicago, rejoice! It just means a little impromptu shopping trip can take place.