$1.8 Million in U.S. Department of Labor Grants Given to Nine Local Goodwills
July 7, 2009
Rockville, MD. — Goodwill Industries® is able to expand its job training and employment services targeted to homeless veterans in order to help them succeed in civilian careers, thanks to a series of grants totaling more than $25 million from the U.S. Department of Labor. Awarded under the Labor Department’s Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP), nine local, independent Goodwill® agencies will receive a total of $2,236,791 in funding — nearly 10 percent of the total grant pool.
“Since the end of World War I, Goodwill Industries has been helping our service men and women obtain and maintain suitable employment when they return home from duty,” said Jim Gibbons, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International. “These veterans deserve nothing less than meaningful employment for the great sacrifices that they made for our country.”
The U.S. Department of Labor funds were awarded to organizations familiar with the areas and populations to be served and that have demonstrated that they can administer effective programs. The 98 various grants will provide approximately 15,000 veterans with job training. Veterans may receive occupational, classroom and on-the-job training, as well as job search, placement assistance and follow-up services.
Grants were awarded to nine Goodwill agencies nationwide, including five new programs to provide job training and career services to veterans. The grant awards to Goodwill total $1,837,041.
Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries Rehabilitation Center (Cincinnati) was awarded $300,000 for the third year and Goodwill Industries of Central Iowa (Des Moines) received $199,875 for the second year. Additional funding included Goodwill of Santa Clara County (San Jose, CA) for $299,814; Goodwill Industries of the Heartland (Iowa City, IA) for $200,000; Goodwill Industries of Central Illinois (Peoria) for $200,000; Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids (MI) for $232,888; Goodwill Industries of Western New York (Buffalo) for $204,774; and Goodwill Industries of Houston (TX) for $300,000.
“This funding will help the veterans we serve across the country have access to the resources they need – skills training, good jobs, and support and retention services – so they can build a bright future for themselves and their families,” said Gibbons.