ROCKVILLE, MD – Goodwill Industries International is pleased to honor Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) as a recipient of its Goodwill® National Policymaker Award for 2012. The award recognizes a federal lawmaker who has clearly demonstrated support for Goodwill’s public policy priorities.
Goodwill Columbus nominated Brown for his support on behalf of Goodwill’s services and programs, including reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Through WIA, people with employment challenges — including people with disabilities, those with a lack of education or job experience, those receiving financial aid, and others facing challenges to finding employment — are referred to Goodwill for skills training, and job placement and retention services. Brown has demonstrated support for Goodwill Columbus’ rehabilitation center, which provides a variety of support services for veterans who are homeless in Cincinnati, including education and job training, counseling, job placement and follow-up assistance. Brown is particularly passionate about veteran issues, and he was the original cosponsor of the Hiring Heroes Act of 2011. In addition, Brown has visited Goodwill’s job training center in Akron and hosted a roundtable discussion with local business leaders and workforce development professionals on how to provide specialized training that supports high-growth industries.
Brown has been a strong advocate and committed supporter of legislation pertaining to Goodwill’s many programs. These include enhancing community college partnerships, connecting youth who are disconnected from employment or resources to opportunities and success in the classroom, reducing recidivism for people with criminal backgrounds through re-entry programs, and bridging the skills gap for people who have more than a high school degree but less than a four-year college degree and can fill certain positions. Brown is also an advocate for programs that provide education and training opportunities for people with disabilities.
“Senator Brown is a leading proponent of targeted workforce investment resources that provide regional, specialized training which support high-growth industries,” said Margie Pizzuti, president and CEO of Goodwill Columbus. “He is intimately familiar with the strength of Goodwill as a social enterprise and how our organization creates unique job training programs to meet the needs of emerging industries, especially at a time of economic recovery.”
At a reception in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, April 17, Brown was recognized and thanked for his ongoing support and influence for issues relevant to Goodwill. The reception was part of Goodwill Industries International’s sixth annual Advocacy Day — “Local to Global: Strengthening Our Community.”
“Goodwill is a key provider of job training and placement services that help get Ohioans — including our returning service members — back into good-paying jobs,” said Brown. “Goodwill’s work in Ohio is critical to our state’s economic success. I am proud to support their mission, and it is an honor to receive the National Policymaker Award from Goodwill.”