Contact Congress and Help SNAP Recipients Find Work

You may have read a post earlier this week by guest blogger Ed Bolden from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities on the startling fact that over half a million Americans are losing food assistance this year. His post notes, “Ultimately, Congress should eliminate or revise this harsh rule. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is often the last line of assistance for these individuals. It means the difference between eating and going hungry.”  Now we’re asking you to urge Congress to take action!

More than 500,000, and perhaps as many as one million, of the nation’s poorest people, including thousands of veterans, will be cut off SNAP over the course of 2016, due to a three-month limit on SNAP benefits for unemployed adults aged 18-49 who aren’t disabled or raising minor children.

These individuals will lose their food assistance benefits after three months regardless of how hard they are looking for work.  Yet barely any state ensures that SNAP recipients gain access to critical job training and employment programs like those offered by local Goodwill organizations.

Legislation (S. 2420 and H.R. 1025) has been introduced to stop the time limit on SNAP benefits if a state doesn’t ensure the person is in a job training program.  Goodwill is perfectly positioned to help people find good jobs and move off benefits.  You can make sure states do the right thing by going to our Legislative Action Center to asking your Senators and Representatives to cosponsor S. 2420 and H.R 1025.