Take Action in Support of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

CRPD 300x200Goodwill Industries® has a strong history of working with people with disabilities, helping them live independently, get a job and advance in a career by providing access to support services, specialized training and assistive technology. Last year Goodwill® agencies provided job training and other community-based services to more than 340,000 individuals with disabilities.

Today we are asking you to join Goodwill in our efforts to help people with disabilities around the world receive equal treatment in accessing these same services. Take action and urge your Senators to support U.S. ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Similar to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the principles of the CRPD include equality, nondiscrimination, inclusion in society, accessibility and respect for inherent dignity. Since the signing of the ADA 24 years ago this week, it has been model legislation for ending discriminatory practices throughout the world and a key inspiration for the CRPD.

Goodwill Industries International is one of more than 750 organizations that support the treaty because it ensures that people with disabilities are treated with respect and dignity, including equal treatment and nondiscrimination in access to rehabilitation, employment and educational opportunities.

The treaty passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, July 22. Now is the time to call upon your Senators and ask that they ratify the CRPD.

Please click to contact your Senators to express your support of the CRPD and ask them to move forward with ratification.

Public supporters click here.

Goodwill CEOs click here.

Goodwill staff click here.