Goodwill Industries Week was first celebrated in May, 1951, as a way for local Goodwill agencies to educate their communities about their mission of “helping people with disabilities help themselves.” This year, we mark the 60th anniversary of Goodwill Industries Week and the power of work.
Goodwill Programs and Services Help You Succeed
You know Goodwill for its retail stores, but do you know where the revenue from the sale of those donated goods ends up? Below, check out a list of just a few of the many programs Goodwill members in the U.S. and Canada may offer.
- Funded by a $2.5 million grant from the Walmart Foundation, the Beyond Jobs program helps single mothers find jobs and provides them the long-term planning and tools they need to retain their jobs, advance in their careers, and ensure permanent financial stability for themselves and their children.
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is an on-the-job training and employment program designed to help those aged 55 and older update their jobs skills, build work experience and confidence, and continue to have economic security and well-being
- Goodwill GoodGuides® is a national mentoring program for youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who are at risk for making harmful choices such as dropping out of school or joining a gang. These youth may also be at risk for delinquency.
- Through the Pathways Out of Poverty Program, Goodwills offer green jobs training to help participants attain employment in energy efficiency and renewable energy industries.
- GCFLearnFree, an initiative of the Goodwill Community Foundation, offers more than 750 self-paced online courses in computers, math, reading and more, that can give families a leg up when planning a career.
Check out our “Goodwill for You” page to learn more about programs and services that can help you succeed.
Get to Know Your Local Goodwill
Do you know what services your local Goodwill offers? This Goodwill Industries Week, we invite you to find out how your Goodwill can help you advance in your career and find financial stability by contacting your local headquarters.
Find Your Local Goodwill