Rediscover Your True Self through Self-assessment

Have you forgotten your once vibrant response to, “What do you want to be when you grow up”?

  • Do you feel lost with what you want to do with your life?
  • At work, do you sense that you could do something more meaningful, but don’t know what that could be?
  • Are you not sure what jobs to apply for?

It happens to the best of us. Life happens, our priorities change, and we lose sight of what we once wanted. But it’s never too late to take a self assessment and personality test.  They offer questions about our likes, dislikes and needs. The answers can help us rediscover what we want to be as adults.
A self assessment will help guide you with:

  • Understanding your personal traits
  • Identifying your personal values
  • Identifying your skill base
  • Exploring your long-term goals

A personality test describes the different ways people:

  • Prefer to take in information
  • Prefer to make decisions
  • Are energized by their outside or inner world

How do I begin?

  1. You must be ready to have an open and honest conversation with yourself to gain an accurate evaluation.
  2. You can do a search online for self assessments and personality tests.  The following are a few sites with plenty of resources:
  3. Find the time to sit down and answer the assessments and personality tests.
  4. Once complete, find the evaluation results and find out how your results can match with occupations.

Why Is This Important?

Understanding your likes and dislikes along with your personality type can give you a deeper understanding of who you are and will prepare you to find a job or career that will satisfy your personal goals and values.
Most of us have to work until we retire, so why not pursue a job or career that we can enjoy!  Taking a self assessment and personality test is the first step!