After three and a half decades of substance abuse I had fallen into fear and the depths of deep despair. It had gotten so bad that I had selfishly tried to end my own life. After brief hospitalization and some serious educational counseling, I found a new way of life.
The beauty I have found in others and their help far exceeds any expectation I would ever have. With that being said, the help I received from Goodwill® and their training programs gave me the skills I needed to excel in life. The soft skills training course taught me to learn people skills and the ability assert myself to give the proper direction to others in ways to help themselves to help me gain what is needed to motivate in a team comradery.
You have to give respect to receive respect. Goodwill helped me to build my resume, and land a job interview. With the interviewing skills I also learned at Goodwill, I got hired on at Jaco Environmental at the entry level.
Within a couple weeks I was certified on the forklift. I used those skills i learned to help organize and aid in the flow of the shop. Within 4 months I became the lead man of the facility. Shortly thereafter I was asked to take over as facility manager. Somewhat hesitantly I accepted the position. I can say I grew in that position in a very positive direction.
I have 18 guys in my crew who all have the team directive. This facility runs truly as if we were a family. I can honestly say the majority of my direction came from the grace of God and…..God’s will is Goodwill. This life is all about helping others; helping others to better themselves. Today, I can honestly say I love my life, I truly love my God, and I love Goodwill!