What brought you to Goodwill®?
I moved to Charlotte, NC, from Baltimore, MD, with my two children. I didn’t have a real plan. And let me tell you, that’s scary, particularly for a parent. After trying to make a better life for myself on my own, I realized I needed some help, and this was when I learned of Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont (Charlotte, NC).
How open were you at first to receiving services from Goodwill and why?
It was tough for me to admit I needed help. I have learned from Goodwill and the staff members who supported me, like Mindy Perrin and Clarence Scott, that asking for help doesn’t make you weak. Asking for help makes you human.
How has Goodwill helped you progress toward your goals?
My career counselor at Goodwill referred me to GoodWork Staffing, where I was placed in several temporary positions, including at the Mecklenburg County Department of Child Support Enforcement and the Mecklenburg Country Department of Social Services.
I not only received employment training, but I felt valued and appreciated and was able to support my family. And even when one assignment ended, I was quickly placed on another job where I was able to execute the professional skills I received in a productive way.
For awhile, there just weren’t any long-term opportunities, but in July 2013, GoodWork placed me on a temp-to-hire assignment with the Mecklenburg County Health Department as a patient administrative assistant. Three months later, they hired me on as a full-time, permanent employee with benefits.
What new skills or knowledge have you gained that will help you in your employment and career journey?
I sustained connections all along the journey, and I continued to share how Goodwill not only helped make me a better person, but how it could do the same for others.
What have been some of your biggest accomplishments since you worked with Goodwill?
I received one of three GoodWork! Awards at the Charlotte Goodwill’s annual Cornerstone Celebration on May 21.
Overall, how has your experience with Goodwill made an impact on your life?
Sharing my experience with Goodwill is how I paid it forward, which is a similar gift that Goodwill does for its staff and those it serves. The agency provides an interchangeable collection of services to the community, benefitting individuals and benefitting families. I am absolutely honored to have had the chance to work with people that not only believed in me, but taught me to believe in myself.
What advice do you have for anyone going through a similar situation?
I am a changed woman, and the future I see in my career is a miracle. I am not only a confident individual, but I am a confident mother, showing my children to never give up and that failure is not an option.