My Story: Seth Greenwood

Seth GreenwoodFor the first 20 years of my life, I made a series of bad choices. I was a father at the age of 14 years old. I was incarcerated several times. It was a continuous cycle until the age of 20. At that point I was incarcerated for six years (until June 2010).

During my incarceration, I realized the effect that my actions had on not only myself, but everyone I had come in contact with. I worked hard to overcome all of the obstacles that I’ve caused for myself and to be the best man and father I possibly can.

I’m currently working on my bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership through a partnership that Goodwill Industries of Central Texas (Austin) has with St. Edward’s University. Over my three years of employment, I have been able to build my résumé to a point that makes me more attractive to other organizations. I’ve also been able to buy my own vehicle and find a place big enough for me to live with my wife and six children.

I came to Goodwill feeling like it was my last option, and I’ve taken advantage of every opportunity which has resulted in advancement.  After three years, I’m here by choice because I really love this organization. I’m able to impact other individuals’ successes in my current role and really give back to the community in a way that I never really imagined.