As a recovering addict, I spent so many years in a really dark place and not being able to take care of myself I always had to live with somebody else or my family.
I had gotten clean and I was doing really well in my well in my life. It was just hard to find a good job. I was delivering pizzas.
At that time I felt really lost and confused. I didn’t know where I was going or where I was going to end up in the future. I felt just underappreciated delivering pizzas. It was okay, I did a really good job at it but I knew there was no way I was going to be able to build a future.
I found out about Goodwill through a friend of mine who had gotten hired to do a temp job with Goodwill and I knew that Goodwill had hired people before, but I thought that all the employees worked in the stores, but I didn’t know that they had a temporary service.
It was just a four month job but it was amazing. It was life changing, because I was finally able to make enough money where I could save some money and do some things I had always wanted to do all my life that I was never able to do.
About a month later, there was an opening at the Corpus Christi Army Depot. And at first I thought there’s no way they’re going to let me out on the depot because of my criminal history, my background, but I went ahead and applied for it and got the job.
Today, I feel really excited about the future. I feel like I have direction in my life. I’m independent in the sense that I have my own place and I’m able to live on my own without the help of family members. I feel really good about myself, self-esteem wise. I’ve come so far from where I was to where I am now.
Because of Goodwill, I went from feeling hopeless to hopeful about my future.