As we snuggle into fall, we’ll be spending more time inside rather than out in the yard. For me, it’s a little early for holiday decorating, but a few fresh decorating elements are most definitely needed. I’ve always been a big fan of those long, narrow trays that run down the center of a table with multiple, same height pillar candles evenly spaced. However, the price tags on those long, Asian inspired candle bases can be hefty. Luckily, I keep supplies on hand. My basement is like a less organized mini-Goodwill® store. I went down there to look through some of my collected goodies I routinely purchase for future projects.
I pulled out some spectacular walnut bowls, two teak plates and a shallow wooden box. No doubt, I couldn’t resist the 99-cent price tags on the round pieces, and $2.99 for the square box.
In another area of my basement ‘craft supplies,’ I found a few bags of smooth river rocks. All I needed to purchase for this project were some new pillar candles to create this easy, budget-friendly, natural and minimalistic wood and rock candle tablescape.
One of the aisles I always check out is the one with all of the wooden household items. If I find unusual bowls, trays or plates, I always put them in my cart for use at a later date.
Here’s what I used:
- Three Walnut Bowls (99 cents each)
- Three Teak plates with lipped edge (99 cents each)
- One bag of smooth multicolored river rocks (in my craft stash)
- Five white 9” pillar candles ($4.49 each)
As we move closer to other fall holidays, you could easily add uniformly sized pumpkins in between each candle. You maintain the simplicity while integrating a more specific holiday theme.
Another option is to use a different sized wooden plate or tray and group the candled to form a multi-height candle arrangement.
Not only does it feel so right, but I really enjoy shopping at Goodwill Stores where I walk in and get so excited to see what’s new, and what’s possible to make out of others’ donated items. It’s the epitome of responsible RECYCLING since 82% of collective revenues raised through the sale of donated goods go directly toward supporting and growing Goodwill’s critical community-based programs and services and result in environmental and social impact.