Just as there are numerous fashion looks each season that can be thoroughly replicated with vintage pieces, there are also styles that can be recreated with a few simple DIY steps. Check any women’s section of a fast fashion retail store right now and I guarantee you’ll find more than one version of the high-low asymmetrical skirt. These skirts and dresses can run you anywhere from $30 to $150, depending on where you shop, but can be recreated for much, much, less. And as I always like to add, a little creativity and originality can go a long way in bringing an outfit together.
The following DIY can be done with a thrifted skirt or dress, whichever you prefer. Choose colors and fabrics that stand out to you. Keep in mind that synthetic fabrics are much harder to cut, and knits are generally easier to work with than woven fabrics.
Here’s what you’ll need to create your skirt:
Thrifted Skirt or Dress (At least mid-calf length)
Sewing Scissors
Sewing Machine
Tape Measure
1.) Try on the skirt to determine how short you’d like the front to be. Using your tape measure, measure from the bottom hem up. Be sure to leave it about 2 inches longer than your desired length to allow for the hem.
2.) Lay the skirt flat, folded in half on its side. You want the front to be facing to the right and the back of the skirt facing to the left. This will ensure that when the skirt is cut, both sides are even.
3.) Place the tape measure next to where the shortest part of the skirt will be. (Now right side, front of skirt.) Cut a triangle chunk out of the skirt, slanting downward in a curved line. You want the slope to be gradual. Finish cutting when you reach ¾ of the way to the left side.
4.) Now that you’ve cut the piece out, try the skirt back on to make sure it is the desired length and cut evenly on both sides. Use your scissors to correct any slight errors.
5.) When you’re happy with the way the skirt is cut, turn it inside out and fold the raw (cut) edge backward all the way around. Iron this down.
6.) Fold the edge of the fabric backward again and pin down to hide the raw edges inside the hem. Iron again if needed.
7.) Finally, sew the hem down to complete the skirt.
There you have it! Remember that by DIYing the latest fashion trends, you’re not only helping your own wallet, but also the environment. Buying clothes at thrift stores is environmentally sustainable, saving tons of space in landfills each year. In addition, revenues from Goodwill’s thrift stores help fund programs that enable people from all backgrounds to obtain and maintain economic independence and an increased quality of life. This is achieved through career training with a focus in emerging fields, such as health care and technology. Therefore, your thrift and DIY savvy ways can help threefold: yourself, the environment, and your community.