Thank you for interest in the Lyft Jobs Access program in partnership with your local Goodwill®.

Lyft Landing Page Image OptzThe Lyft Jobs Access program aims to close the short-term transportation needs for job seekers. Through our partnership with Lyft, you can now access free transportation if you are:

  • Riding to or from a weeklong job training course, or
  • Riding to or from a one-time job interview, or
  • Riding to or from the first two weeks of new job.

To begin the process of finding better job opportunities, please locate the local Goodwill nearest to you on the table below to reach a job service specialist.

Baltimore, MD and the surrounding area
Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Boston, MA and the surrounding area
Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Chicago, IL and the surrounding area
Goodwill Industries of Southeastern WI and Metropolitan Chicago
Email: [email protected]
Chicago, IL and the surrounding area
Goodwill Industries of Southeastern WI and Metropolitan Chicago
Email: [email protected]


New Jersey / Philadelphia, PA and the surrounding area
Goodwill Industries of Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia
Email: [email protected]
New York, NY and the surrounding area
Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey, Inc.
St Louis, MO and the surrounding area
St. Louis, MERS/Missouri Goodwill Industries
Email: [email protected]
Washington, DC and the surrounding area
Goodwill of Greater Washington
Seattle, WA and the surrounding area
Seattle Goodwill Industries, Inc.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have the Lyft app / account to participate?
Yes, you must download the Lyft app to your mobile device in order to participate. Android | iOS

What is the value of each credit provided by local Goodwills?
Each credit is worth $30. Please contact your local Goodwill to ensure the availability of credits.

How do I qualify for a transportation credit?
To obtain a transportation credit, you must fit one of the three qualifications, including needing transportation to a job interview, weeklong training or to your first two weeks of a new job as well as meet any career and/or employment service criteria outlined by your local Goodwill. Contact your local participating Goodwill for more information.

Can I qualify for multiple credits?
Yes, you can qualify for multiple credits as long as you require transportation to a job interview, weeklong training and/or to your first two weeks of a new job. Please contact your local Goodwill to ensure the availability of credits.