Erin Starnes is the director of workforce development for Goodwill Industries of Tenneva (Kingsport, TN). She also worked closely with Matthew McCurry was recently featured on the My Story blog.
What brought you to Goodwill®?
While working at a mental health care center as a case manager. I learned about Goodwill’s mission and services. Having worked in supported employment previously, I thought Goodwill sounded like a good fit for me.
What new skills or knowledge have you gained through your experiences with Goodwill that could help in other aspects of your life?
My communication skills have been honed and fine-tuned. I’ve learned to think on my feet and deal with difficult situations in a positive manner as they happen.
What have been some of your biggest accomplishments since working with Goodwill?
Every person that I help through training and/or employment is an accomplishment. That is why I do what I do.
Overall, how has this experience made an impact on your life?
I have met many different people, all of whom have taught me something about myself at one time or another. Goodwill has allowed me to provide for my family.
Is there someone who has inspired you to continue to grow? If so, who and how has the person helped?
There isn’t just one person who’s inspired me. All my clients, especially the current ones, have re-energized me and reminded me time and time again why I do what I do and why I love my job.