My Goodwill Story – Nora 

The last week of September marks the annual celebration of National Employ Older Workers Week. With the number of people over 65 who are still working increasing, we see more and more that older workers need resources to find valuable employment and improve their economic standing.  

That was the case for senior Nora when she came to Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida (Fort Myers). She originally came in with some questions about accessing food stamps to ensure she can continue to pay her other bills and buy much-needed medicine.  

While speaking with someone at the Cape Coral Community Resource Center, Nora found out about another program that would help her save her hard-earned money. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides free or discounted internet access to those who live off lower incomes, like Nora. Goodwill® has partnered with Comcast to ensure that the people who come to our resource centers are able to enroll in this vital program. 

With the internet being so important to our daily lives and how we find and complete work, it’s helpful for those with lower incomes to have access to affordable internet.  

Goodwill helped Nora with the application process, and she was approved. With that bill taken off her plate, Nora is now able to put more of her monthly budget toward other bills or the medicine she needs.  

While Nora originally had no idea that this program existed or that Goodwill could help her with the application process, she’s thankful that this service changed how her household budgets monthly.  

Employment may not have been what Nora needed, but access to services through Goodwill helped her make her own economic position stronger.  

Nora Vazquez Headshot