I love showers! Baby showers, wedding showers and April showers (because they bring May flowers!). So when I realized that one of my dearest friends, Robyn, didn’t have a plan for a baby shower, I sprang into action enlisting the help of my craftiest friends to create a shower for her that she would never forget.
The first things I tackled were figuring out a theme and a location– in my case they went hand in hand. I am a member of this terrific arts club called the Salmagundi Club, and their parlor floor is just gorgeous so I immediately thought that doing a retro theme for the shindig made the most sense.
And since the newest import from the UK that I have recently become obsessed with is the fascinator, I thought that we should make the party’s theme: “Sunday Best and Facinators Only.” The invites were pulled from a graphic designer we found on Etsy and tweaked a little by her to customize it.
I knew that we wanted to do this shindig on a budget so my first step was to get with my friend and co-planner Tiffany and hit the local Goodwill. I scheduled the event for a Saturday afternoon and high tea made so much sense, a little classy day for all our lady friends to come together! To get pretty tea cups I scoured shop goodwill.com to find beautiful mismatched tea cups from all over the country!
We created one large centerpiece for the buffet and drink table, a vintage baby scale from Goodwill decorated with vintage kids books, flowers and other finds.
We painted blocks to match the color scheme of the centerpieces and we scanned in printed vintage letters from a children’s book.
For the gift table we found an amazing vintage suitcase which was the perfect place for gift cards and gifts.
For each individual centerpiece for each table. Goodwill sourced Mason jars, were filled in with scanned images from a children’s alphabet book. Each table had a different letter!
We wore vintage coats and dresses and waited outside for the proud Mom and Dad to be to arrive.
During the shower we also played a bunch of games.
Change the Baby
This one was super fun. We found a baby doll, then timed each other taking off a diaper, wiping, powdering her down and putting on a new diaper. The fastest time, believe it or not, was under 10 seconds!
Guess the Bump
Olivia, one of Robyn’s dear friends brought a spool of pink ribbon, we each cut it to the length we thought was the circumference of Robyn’s belly and the closest to the real measurement won!
Baby Bingo
And to make opening baby gifts fun we made bingo boards for each guest!
Tea Cup Candles
To give guests the incentive to win I wanted to create really great favors! I picked some of the most beautiful tea cups and turned them into candles; you can check out a full tutorial on my website. You can even decorate a little box of matches to go with them! I made seven of them.
A tea-rrific and (ladylike) time was had by all!
For more party, home and décor idea visit my website.