Day to Night: Ways to Ease Your Transition to Shift Work

Max from Albuquerque, NM, asks, “I just received a great job offer in a field I’m interested in, but here’s the catch—it’s a night shift job. I want the position, but working at night would be a big change for me. Any suggestions or advice?”

READ MORE from Day to Night: Ways to Ease Your Transition to Shift Work

Need to Get Away? Tips for Requesting Paid Time Off

Michael from Charlotte, NC, asks, “I just started a new job, and I am nervous about asking for time off, but I would hate to miss my family’s annual beach trip! Do you have any tips to help the conversation with my manager go more smoothly?”

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Work Smarter, Not Harder, Through Active Listening

Jamie from Tulsa, OK, asks, “In our last team meeting, my manager suggested practicing active listening. What does this mean? How does it differ from just listening, and why is it important?”

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Establish Your Support System: Finding a Mentor Who’s Great for You

Jon from Manchester, NH, asks, “I have heard it’s good to have a mentor, but I don’t even know where to begin. How do I go about finding a mentor, and what makes a good one?”

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Establish Your Support System: Finding a Mentor Who's Great for You

Jon from Manchester, NH, asks, “I have heard it’s good to have a mentor, but I don’t even know where to begin. How do I go about finding a mentor, and what makes a good one?”

READ MORE from Establish Your Support System: Finding a Mentor Who's Great for You

Chronological or Functional: Which Résumé Type Will Put Your Best Foot Forward?

Sarah from St. Paul, MN, asks, "I've mostly just filled out job applications before, but now I have to make a résumé for the first time. I guess there are multiple types—how do I know what to use?"

READ MORE from Chronological or Functional: Which Résumé Type Will Put Your Best Foot Forward?

Happening Now! Virtual Career Fair and Workshops

Goodwill's third annual virtual career fair, is open to job seekers now, and features employers with cross-continent footprints, including Cintas, Dell, C&K, Brickman, RCS, and The University of Phoenix. The virtual career fair uses Intercall, Inc.'s virtual conferencing platform, enabling job seekers to meet with employers and apply for jobs from anywhere.

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Take Age Out of the Equation to Be a Good Manager

Dione from Worcester, MA, asks, "I'm a new manager and the person who will report to me is significantly older than me. How can I make sure this relationship goes smoothly?"

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Use Keywords to Help Your Résumé Stand Out

Tamlin from Venice Beach, CA, asks, "My friend is helping me with my résumé and told me I need better keywords about myself and my past jobs. I don't even know what that means or where to start. Help?"

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Is Freelancing Right for You?

Mitch from Arlington, TX asks, “I haven’t had a lot of success finding traditional work—I'm thinking about quitting and trying to freelance instead. My parents think this is a terrible idea. What do you think?"

READ MORE from Is Freelancing Right for You?

Where to Look for a Summer Job

Todd from Little Rock, AR, asks "I’m helping my teenage nephew look for his first-ever summer job. I'm keeping an eye on the regular job boards, but are there particular places we should look for these kinds of opportunities?"

READ MORE from Where to Look for a Summer Job

How to Say No: Navigating Non-Essential Work Requests

Willa from Norman, OK, asks, "I find it really hard to say no to my coworkers—even when they're asking me to do things outside of my job duties. Are there nice ways I can turn them down without damaging our relationship?"

READ MORE from How to Say No: Navigating Non-Essential Work Requests