My Story: Wesley Chenoweth

A native of Liberia, Wesley Chenoweth is pursuing the American entrepreneurial dream, and credits his experience with Goodwill of North Georgia’s GoodBiz program for helping him find the path to success. Goodwill of North Georgia awarded his company, Grizzly Delivery, LLC, with its 2020 Micro-Business of the Year award in recognition of his firm’s achievements.

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My Story: Victoria Kaufman

Victoria is a freshman engineering major with a bright future ahead of her. She’s the daughter of immigrant parents who came to the U.S. as refugees from Russia. Last summer, Victoria enrolled in Goodwill’s Summer Bridge program (Goodwill Industries of Denver), designed to support low income and first-generation college students.

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My Story: Yolande Zabre

My story begins in July 2010 when I arrived in London, Ontario from Burkina Faso in West Africa, where education for girls is not a priority. It is a very poor country with a lot of political corruption. I experienced quite a culture shock moving to Canada. I faced three main challenges on my journey to a better life: a language barrier, an educational barrier and a work experience barrier. I had two options: either fight or go back home to unknown ground. I decided to tackle my challenges.

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Columbus, GA Goodwill Connects Hispanics with Key Resources

Any one of Goodwill Industries of Southern Rivers (Columbus, GA/GoodwillSR) nine career centers is often filled with clients who are on a mission – a mission to find employment and increase economic stability. Increasingly, Hispanics who live in GoodwillSR’s 50-county territory are included in that mission. Recognizing the need to connect Latinos in east Alabama and west Georgia to local resources, the Goodwill's Hispanic Services has kicked off a robust initiative, in partnership with the Goizueta Foundation, to attract and serve this growing demographic.

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My Story: Patricia “Pachi” McLeod

My name is Pachi McLeod. As the Hispanic Services Manager [at Goodwill Industries of Southern Rivers (Columbus GA)], I get to provide services for the community, but I also get to support the bilingual staff at their different locations, and I get to be a kind of the bridge between the Hispanics and non-Hispanics alike.

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March Madness: DC Style

Most everyone is familiar with March Madness, the NCAA college basketball playoffs - the brackets, the hype, the fans and ultimately the games themselves. Well Washington, DC is in the midst of its own style of March Madness.

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Lame Duck Congress Could Yield Positive Results Amid Drama

As the 113th Congress lurches to a post-election close, known as a lame duck session, some positive results might be in the making amid the budget drama and some notable failures.

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Congress' Mid-Year Review Reveals Room for Improvement

Twice a year, I sit down with my team and we discuss goals, strengths and areas for improvement as part of our company’s performance review process. It is the season for mid-year reviews and Congress should have theirs. As voters, we “hire” these elected officials for the job and as all good supervisors we should be providing feedback often.

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Congress’ Mid-Year Review Reveals Room for Improvement

Twice a year, I sit down with my team and we discuss goals, strengths and areas for improvement as part of our company’s performance review process. It is the season for mid-year reviews and Congress should have theirs. As voters, we “hire” these elected officials for the job and as all good supervisors we should be providing feedback often.

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What Election Results Could Mean for Goodwill®

With the election behind us, Beltway insiders are spending the week trying to understand what happened, why, and how it will shape the legislative landscape. This year, despite the expenditure of about $1 billion and a lot of talk about voter dissatisfaction, the post-election landscape looks pretty much as it did before election night. So what does this all mean for Goodwill?

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