Help Those Affected by the Wildfires in Southern California Help Now

This Earth Day, Learn How to Live a More Sustainable Life at Home

IKEA has loads of money-saving products and solutions to help you save energy and water, reduce waste and promote healthy living. And, on Earth Day, its hosting the IKEA Sustainable Living Your Way event, at most IKEA U.S. stores, in conjunction with Goodwill.

READ MORE from This Earth Day, Learn How to Live a More Sustainable Life at Home Donates 1,400 Pairs of Athletic Pants to Traverse City, MI Goodwill, a company that designs, manufactures and sells short men’s clothes (under 5’9”) and tall men’s clothing (over 6 feet, slim to big), recently donated 1,400 pairs of new athletic pants to Goodwill Industries of Northern Michigan (Traverse City). The pants, which are made of heavy fleece and jersey, regularly retail for $53,200 — or $38 per pair.

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South Bend, IN Goodwill Hosts Collaborative Drive for Veterans

After serving our country and returning home, some veterans find themselves homeless. Many receive help from local programs to get them back on their feet. But, as they transition into their own homes, they often don’t have a bed to sleep in or table and chairs. Goodwill Industries of Michiana (South Bend) committed to resolving this issue by hosting a donation drive in partnership with the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association. The D-Day Donation Drive, called “Operation 4D” was the first partnership of its kind for the agency.

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Kristian Bush Greets Goodwill® Donors in Tennessee

In early June 2015, Kristian Bush appeared at a Nashville, TN area Goodwill store for a special meet and greet with employees and donors.

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St. Petersburg Goodwill Partners with Greener Grads

Just in time for Earth Day 2015, Goodwill Industries Suncoast (St. Petersburg) became the first Goodwill in Florida to partner with Michigan-based Greener Grads, a company devoted to keeping graduation gowns out of landfills and affordable.

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Dallas Mavericks and Goodwill Break Records with Donation Drive

Goodwill Industries of Dallas (TX) and the Dallas Mavericks partnered to offer an e-cycle and spring cleaning drive from April 6-11. During the drive, 680 different community donors gave 60,860 pounds of material goods, a record-breaking amount for each group.

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Uber and Goodwill® Make Spring Cleaning Easy

This Saturday, May 2, with the touch of a button, a driver will come to your house, pickup bags of clothing and deliver them directly to a local Goodwill donation center — all for free! Building on the success of previous promotions in the New York, Boston and San Francisco areas, this year Goodwill and Uber will partner in more than 50 cities across the U.S. and in Sao Paulo, Brazil where both Goodwill and Uber operate.

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Lincoln, NE, Goodwill Neighborhood Challenge Generates 24,000 Lbs. of Donations

In 2014, Goodwill Industries Serving Southeast Nebraska (Lincoln) conducted its second annual Neighborhood Challenge, a friendly five-month neighborhood competition that promoted community involvement through donation drives and garage sales. The challenge generated more than 24,000 pounds of donations to Goodwill.

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Providence Goodwill Utilizes Donation Bins for Citywide Sustainability

Providence, RI Mayor Angel Taveras recently announced a partnership with Goodwill Industries of Rhode Island (Providence) to divert textiles and clothing from the city’s trash and recycling streams.

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Boston Goodwill, Businesses Collect 15,000 Pounds in Clothing Drive

Earlier this summer, nearly 40 businesses and organizations collected more than 15,000 pounds of interview-appropriate attire in the annual Put Your Clothes to Work corporate clothing drive for Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries (Boston). The donated clothes are used at the Boston Goodwill’s quarterly Clothing Collaborative for Job Trainees.

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